What Will You Learn?
- What are the basics of Python?
- What are the use cases for Python?
- How can I install Python?
- How can I create a virtual environment?
- How can I install packages?
- What are the fundamentals of Python?
- Where can I learn more about Python?
This article assumes a working knowledge of the command line.
The Basics
Python is an object-oriented, interpreted, and easy-to-learn programming language. The syntax is concise and approachable to beginners. Python is a popular language for data analysis, machine learning, and web development. It was created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991.
Primary Use Cases
Python is best known for its use in data analysis and machine learning with libraries like the Pandas library and TensorFlow. Python is also a popular language for server-side web development with libraries like Django and more recently became viable directly in the browser with PyScript using Web Assembly. Python is a general-purpose language, so it’s also suitable for use cases like scripting, automation, and command-line tools.
Less Suitable Use Cases
While it’s possible to use Python for mobile development with libraries like Kivy, desktop development with libraries like PyQt, and game development with libraries like PyGame, it’s an uncommon choice. Python is unsuitable for low-level programming like operating systems and embedded systems. However, it’s possible to use runtimes like CPython and MicroPython to get down and dirty.
When to Use Python?
Use Python when you need a versatile language that can run on any device. Python is a versatile language that can meet a wide range of use cases.
Programming Construct Fundamentals
Learn Python without considering the fundamental programming constructs of Python? That’s crazy talk!
Let’s review the basic programming constructs of Python.
The Variable assignment is simple; there is no magic here, how I like it.
class color:
BOLD_UNDERLINE = '\033[1m\033[4m'
END = '\033[0m'
print(color.BOLD_UNDERLINE + 'Assign a string value to a variable' + color.END)
office_name = "Office A"
print(color.BOLD_UNDERLINE + 'Assign a multiple line string value to a variable' + color.END)
office_name = """Office A\n
Office B
print(color.BOLD_UNDERLINE + 'Assign an integer value to a variable' + color.END)
office_sales = 7
office_sales_type = type(office_sales)
print(f"office_sales is type: {office_sales_type}")
print(color.BOLD_UNDERLINE + 'Assign a floating point value to a variable' + color.END)
office_score = 7.5
office_score_type = type(office_score)
print(f"office_score is type: {office_score_type}")
print(color.BOLD_UNDERLINE + 'Assign an boolean value to a variable' + color.END)
office_is_active = bool(True)
office_is_active_type = type(office_is_active)
print(f"office_is_active is type: {office_is_active_type}")
Interesting tidbits
Python employs a concept called name mangling for private variables.abs
The code follows the naming section of Google’s style guide. I am using code in the style guide source code as an example. Snake case variable naming is typical when looking at Python code.
Comments for sanity. Tell your future self and your friends why you did something weird once.
# A simple single-line comment
print("There's a comment before this line, trust me.")
on multiple lines
print("A few comments just happened, honest!")
Control Structures
We saw a for loop in our CSV analysis program.
offices = ["Office A", "Office B", "Office C"]
for office in offices:
Here’s another example.
offices = ['Office A', 'Office B', 'Office C']
while offices:
office_a_sales = 3
office_b_sales = 100
if office_b_sales > office_a_sales:
print("Office B sales are greater than Office A sales")
elif office_a_sales > office_b_sales:
print("Office A sales are greater than Office B sales")
Functions are the bread and butter of any programming language. I also threw in an f-string, which allows you to format your strings with variables elegantly.
def file_check(fn):
example_csv = open("example.csv", "r")
print("Found file, printing file")
except IOError:
print('Error: File does not exist.')
Save this content to example.csv to run.
"Office A","7"
"Office B","3"
"Office C","9"
"Office D","100"
"Office E","4"
"Office F","96"
"Office G","56"
"Office H","34"
"Office I","37"
"Office J","7"
Classes and Objects
Classes and objects are the nuts and bolts.
class Office:
def __init__(self, name, location, sales):
self.name = name
self.location = location
self.sales = sales
office = Office("Office A", "Portland, Oregon", 7)
print("Office Object Properties:")
print(f"Name: {office.name}")
print(f"Location: {office.location}")
print(f"Sales: {office.sales}")
Lambdas smooth out the rough edges. Use them sparingly; most Python programmers are not a fan of them. Consider using a function rather than a lambda in more complex situations.
offices = [{'name': 'Office A', 'sales': 7},
{'name': 'Office B', 'sales': 3},
{'name': 'Office C', 'sales': 9}]
print("Get the office with the highest amount of sales")
print(max(offices, key=lambda x: x['sales']))
print("Get the office with the least amount of sales")
print(min(offices, key=lambda x: x['sales']))
Exception Handling
Exception handling to keep from angering the user gods. Keep your errors under control and handle the flow.
def read_file(file_name):
example_csv = None
example_csv = open(file_name, "r")
except IOError:
print("Error: File does not exist.")
return example_csv
example_csv = read_file("example_missing.csv")
Arrays for life. Python arrays don’t contain surprises, making them easy to use.
offices = ["Office A","Office B", "Office C"]
print(f"We have an office array: {offices}")
print("Accessing array item 0")
x = offices
print(f"Found {x}")
print("Update an array value")
offices[0] = "Office Z"
print(f"Updated Office A to {offices[0]}")
print("Get the length of an array")
x = len(offices)
print(f"{x} offices exist in the array")
print("Loop a sorted array")
for x in sorted(offices):
print("Add an array element named Office Y")
offices.append("Office Y")
print("Remove an array element")
print("Delete an array element")
offices.remove("Office C")
Operators for operating stuff.
class color:
BOLD = '\033[1;37;48m'
CYAN = '\033[1;36;48m'
YELLOW = '\033[1;33;48m'
END = '\033[1;37;0m'
print(color.BOLD_CYAN + "Arithmetic Operators" + color.END)
addition = 1 + 1
print(f"1 + 1 = {addition}")
subtraction = 2 - 1
print(f"2 - 1 = {subtraction}")
multiplication = 3 * 3
print(f"3 * 3 = {multiplication}")
division = 10 / 5
print(f"10 / 5 = {division}")
modulus = 6 % 3
print(f"6 % 3 = {modulus} ")
exponentiation = 2 ** 3
print(f"2 ** 3 = {exponentiation}")
print(color.BOLD_YELLOW + "Assignment Operators" + color.END)
equals = 1
print(f"1 = {equals}")
equals += 1
print(f"1 += {equals}")
minus_equals = 2
minus_equals -= 1
print(f"2 -= {minus_equals}")
multiply_and = 5
multiply_and *= 5
print(f"5 *= {multiply_and}")
divide_and = 5
divide_and /= 5
print(f"5 /= {divide_and}")
modulus_and = 6
modulus_and %= 3
print(f"6 %= {modulus_and}")
exponent_and = 2
exponent_and *= 3
print(f"2 *= {exponent_and}")
y = 7
floor_division = 78125.0
print(f"7 //= {floor_division}")
Most Python operators are standard, but watch out for type comparisons. Type comparisons with operators will compare the type names rather than the types themselves. Use the isInstance built-in function to compare types instead.
There are many other constructs to learn in Python. Thanks to its natural and straightforward behavior, it’s a joy to work with Python.
Virtual Environments
If you like your hair, virtual environments are necessary for Python development. They’re isolated environments that allow us to manage project-specific dependencies and use different versions of Python tightly.
You’ll need to install Python to follow along.
Create a virtual environment with the venv package, or pick another package based on your needs.
python3 -m venv venv/
Note: You may run into issues running this on a network drive. If the command hangs, try moving your folder to a physical disk.
Run this command to activate the environment.
source venv/bin/activate
You should see a shell prompt similar to this if successful. Note the (env) text indicating that the virtual environment is activated.
(venv) Jeffs-Laptop:python jeffbailey$
Now, your program is isolated from the system.
To leave the virtual environment, run this command in your directory.
Install Required Packages
Now that we have a virtual environment, we can install the Pandas package, but this time in the virtual environment.
pip install pandas
We can run this nifty command to create a requirements.txt file. This file tells users of our program what package versions to use.
pip freeze > requirements.txt
The freeze command will create a file that contains the dependencies you’ll need to run the analyze-csv.py file. Run this command to view the contents.
cat requirements.txt
You should see an output like this.
$ cat requirements.txt
the pip freeze command lists all packages installed on your system. We’ve now defined which dependencies are required for the program to run. Users of your application can run this command to install the necessary modules.
pip install -r requirements.txt
The virtual environment will keep us from using our system-wide installation of Python, which may have issues.
Here’s An Example Program That Chunks CSV Files
Now that we’ve reviewed the basics let’s create a program that chunks CSV files. This program will read a CSV file and print the contents in chunks. This program will be helpful for large CSV files.
Download these files to run the code above and put them in the same directory.
example.csv & analyze-csv.py & .gitignore
Here’s the code for the analyze-csv.py file.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pandas as pd
filename = "example.csv"
print(f"Chunking records for {filename}")
chunksize = 3
for chunk in pd.read_csv(filename, chunksize=chunksize):
Running this code requires a little more work.
Create a virtual environment.
python3 -m venv venv/
Now install pip to install the Pandas library for data analysis tasks.
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
Install the Pandas package.
pip3 install pandas
Run this command in your terminal to make the program executable.
chmod +x ./analyze-csv.py
Run this command to list all your files.
ls -w
You should see output like this.
$ ls -w
analyze-csv.py example.csv
Now execute the file.
You should see the following output.
$ ./analyze-csv.py
Office A 7
Office B 3
Office C 9
Office D 100
Office E 4
Office F 96
Office G 56
Office H 34
Office I 37
Low effort is needed to create a CSV file chunking program.
Show Me The Bits
Run this command to clone the Python folder in my repository on GitHub.
git clone git@github.com:jeffabailey/learn.git --single-branch programming/python && cd programming/python
Learn Python Beyond the Basics
There are thousands of Python books and loads of free tutorials online. Here are a couple of noteworthy titles that will help you learn effectively. I’ll leave you with The Zen of Python.
Books 📚
- Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and Python
- Learning Python, 5th Edition
- Python Cookbook, Third edition
- Python Crash Course
- Head First Python: A Brain-Friendly Guide
- Learn Python 3 the Hard Way: A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly Beautiful World of Computers and Code
- Python Brain Teasers
Videos 📺
- Learning Python
- Python Essential Training
- Python Best Practices for Code Quality
- Complete Python Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery
Related Content
- Python Package Index - Search for Python packages
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