The Basics

Part of your toolkit when interviewing is understanding common coding challenges. Quickly jumping through interview code challenge hoops will increase your chances of landing a job. This is a painful truth, but it is what it is. To help you succeed at your next interview, I have laid out some tips and code for you.

Primary Use Cases

  • Landing a job
  • Improving your code
  • Increasing your understanding

Less Suitable Use Cases

  • Actual code, on the job, in most cases

When to Use Java Coding Challenges?

Use Java coding challenges when you’re preparing for a job interview. Java coding challenges are a great way to practice your coding skills and improve your problem-solving abilities.

Code Challenges

Let’s get to the meat & potatoes. I perform and write code for common Java coding challenges.

  1. Navigate to the Challenges folder.
  2. Attempt to solve each challenge.
  3. If you get stuck, open the Solutions folder.

Good luck! 🤞🍀

Learn Java Coding Challenges - Beyond the Basics

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