How Do I Decompose a Problem?

Introduction Problem decomposition is a technique that breaks down complex problems into smaller subproblems. It’s widely used in computer science, engineering, and mathematics. Breaking down a problem into smaller parts simplifies the understanding and resolution process, helps us recognize problem elements and interconnections, and enables prioritization and tackling of subproblems. What Will You Learn? The fundamentals of problem decomposition. Steps to effectively decompose a problem. Types of decomposition methods. Examples of problem decomposition. Tips and best practices for successful decomposition. What Are The Fundamentals of Problem Decomposition? Effective problem decomposition follows these principles: ...

How Do I Configure My Shell?

If you need to configure your shell environment, review this shell scripting tutorial. It’s a solid starting point for configuring your a environment. I’m here to share how I configure my shell environment. I configure my macOS shell environment in the following ways: I use the best package manager Homebrew, to install and manage software packages. My shell interpreter is /bin/bash, and I apply many productivity customizations. I still haven’t discovered a compelling reason to use /bin/zsh, but compare between bash and zsh for yourself. ...

The Best Package Manager Homebrew

Homebrew is the best package manager ever created! I’m serious; fight me! 👊 Let’s get cracking and learn how to install, use, auto update, and contribute to Homebrew. Installation /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" You may want to dive deeper into Homebrew installation details. Usage Install the latest stable version of a formula or cask (use --devel for development versions): brew install formula List all installed formulae and casks: brew list Upgrade an installed package ...

Learn Asymptotic Notations

What Will You Learn? What are asymptotic notations? What are the use cases for asymptotic notations? Why learn asymptotic notations? What are the common asymptotic notations? How can I use asymptotic notations in the real world? Where can I learn more about asymptotic notations? The Basics Asymptotic notations can improve algorithm efficiency and performance analysis. Asymptotic notation simplifies algorithm processing time estimation even with uncertain variables. We use asymptotic notations to estimate computer algorithm processing time and to communicate the tradeoffs. ...

AI Has Changed Everything

AI has changed everything. In my teens, computers were budding into usable technology. I traded my Sega Master System for a 286 computer with a 40MB hard drive to play Eye of the Beholder. It wasn’t long before I realized I needed an upgrade, and I bought a 486 on credit with 4MB of RAM and a 200MB drive! I upgraded to 8MB of RAM to play Ultima VIII: Pagan and hit the big time while breaking the bank. ...

Technical Overconfidence — Deadly Cut 8

Technical overconfidence has become a functional requirement in technical discussions. I used to be quiet, but now I must demonstrate profound confidence. While developing software, my primary goal includes serving user needs. In the past, software development meant living a quiet life with few interruptions. To avoid dealing with people explicitly, I switched from technical support to software development early in my career. Oh, how the world has changed, but it’s mostly better now. There are often cost overruns in software projects because programmers still spend months coding in isolation. ...

Learn Kubernetes

What Will You Learn? What are the basics of Kubernetes? What are the use cases for Kubernetes? What are the less suitable use cases for Kubernetes? What are the core objects and components of Kubernetes? What are the core networking concepts in Kubernetes? What are the core storage concepts in Kubernetes? Where can I learn more about Kubernetes? The Basics Google software engineers Craig McLuckie, Joe Beda, and Brendan Burns created Kubernetes (K8S) and shipped it in September 2014. Google’s Borg cluster manager, which deploys several billion containers per week and Omega influence its development. ...

Learn EC2

The Basics Learn EC2 basics, concepts, and more. Amazon EC2 is the core computing service provided by Amazon Web Services. It’s Virtual Machines in the cloud. If you have been using Amazon Web Services for a while, you’ve undoubtedly encountered EC2. It is a central service used by Amazon LightSail and numerous other offerings. Primary Use Cases Hosting environments for your apps High-performance computing Computing with more specific use cases like: GPU Heavy Tasks High Memory Requirements Burstable compute When to Use EC2? Use EC2 when you need to run a virtual machine in the cloud. EC2 is a versatile service that can meet a wide range of use cases. ...

Push declined due to email privacy restrictions on GitHub.

Push declined due to email privacy restrictions is an error you might receive if you push code to GitHub. This error occurs when. You have enabled the Block command line pushes that expose my email feature You have not set your noreply email as your global or local value in your git config. To remedy this, run this script after finding your noreply email within the GitHub Email Settings. #!/bin/sh # Push declined due to email privacy restrictions on GitHub # See more details here # # Best of luck! 🙌 # Should be in this format: # <Numeric Value>+<Your GitHub Username> echo "Enter your GitHub email. Example:" read -r github_email git config --global "${github_email}" git rebase -i git commit --amend --reset-author git rebase --continue git push See this Stack Overflow question for more details. ...

What Is Vero?

Finally! I left Facebook behind in March because free speech is essential. I tried Mastodon, Friendica, and Diaspora. They need to be better. Enter… Vero. It does what I want. No ads, algorithms, or tracking Privacy among friends Simplicity For a limited time, it’s free for life. I recommend trying it out. Why? I miss my friends after leaving Facebook. Nowadays, popular social media is a cesspool of ads, algorithms, and tracking. I don’t want any part of that. I want to connect with my friends, and that’s it. ...