Learn Kubernetes

What Will You Learn? What are the basics of Kubernetes? What are the use cases for Kubernetes? What are the less suitable use cases for Kubernetes? What are the core objects and components of Kubernetes? What are the core networking concepts in Kubernetes? What are the core storage concepts in Kubernetes? Where can I learn more about Kubernetes? The Basics Google software engineers Craig McLuckie, Joe Beda, and Brendan Burns created Kubernetes (K8S) and shipped it in September 2014....

Learn EC2

The Basics Learn EC2 basics, concepts, and more. Amazon EC2 is the core computing service provided by Amazon Web Services. It’s Virtual Machines in the cloud. If you have been using Amazon Web Services for a while, you’ve undoubtedly encountered EC2. It is a central service used by Amazon LightSail and numerous other offerings. Primary Use Cases Hosting environments for your apps High-performance computing Computing with more specific use cases like: GPU Heavy Tasks High Memory Requirements Burstable compute Launch Template Defines the launch parameters for an EC2 instance....

Push declined due to email privacy restrictions on GitHub.

Push declined due to email privacy restrictions is an error you might receive if you push code to GitHub. This error occurs when. You have enabled the Block command line pushes that expose my email feature You have not set your noreply email as your global or local user.email value in your git config. To remedy this, run this script after finding your noreply email within the GitHub Email Settings....

What Is Vero?

Finally! I left Facebook behind in March because free speech is essential. I tried Mastodon, Friendica, and Diaspora. They need to be better. Enter… Vero. It does what I want. No ads, algorithms, or tracking Privacy among friends Simplicity For a limited time, it’s free for life. I recommend trying it out. Why? I miss my friends after leaving Facebook. Nowadays, popular social media is a cesspool of ads, algorithms, and tracking....

What Is Legacy Deprecation?

What is legacy deprecation? It’s a cost of technical debt. If you’re writing software, you will deprecate legacy software; it’s inevitable. First, I’ll classify legacy deprecation, then help you avoid it. Legacy Deprecation The act of deprecating legacy software. Let’s define each word separately to clarify. Legacy denoting or relating to software or hardware that has been superseded but is difficult to replace because of its wide use: over half of respondents have cited integration with legacy systems as a problem....

What Is Legacy Deprecation?