Learn Rendanheyi

What Will You Learn? What is Rendanheyi? What are the use cases for Rendanheyi? What are the key aspects of Rendanheyi? Where can I learn more about Rendanheyi? The Basics Rendanheyi is a Haier management model that has slowly developed since 2005 and meets the needs of a world steeped in change. Due to their success, Europeans and Americans learned about this management model through acquisitions initiated by Haier. Rendanheyi has no direct English translation, but loosely, it means integrating people and goals. ...

How Do I Use Multiple GitHub Accounts?

How do I use multiple GitHub accounts on the same computer? This approach is a sanity saver when working on various projects from numerous clients. Create a new SSH key on macOS. (Try on other OSes; YMMV) ssh_key_gen() { if [ $# == 0 ]; then echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} [EMAIL] [KEY_NAME]" echo "1. Generate a key" echo "2. Copy the public key to the clipboard" return fi email="$1" key_name="$2" rsa_key_name="id_rsa_${key_name}" rsa_key_path="${HOME}/.ssh/${rsa_key_name}" ssh-keygen \ -t rsa \ -C "${email}" \ -f "${rsa_key_path}" \ cat "${rsa_key_path}.pub" | pbcopy ssh-add "${rsa_key_path}" ssh_config_entry=$(cat <<-END Host github.com HostName github.com User git IdentityFile "${rsa_key_path}" END ) ssh_config_path="${HOME}/.ssh/config" if ! grep "${ssh_key_name}" "${ssh_config_path}"; then echo "Key already exists in ${ssh_config_path}" else echo "${ssh_config_entry}" >> "${ssh_config_path}" fi } ssh_key_gen your.email@domain.com your_key_name Enter your passphrase. Add a new ssh key in GitHub. Now, test your key by cloning a repository. To switch between keys run these commands. ...

Learn ECS

The Basics Amazon ECS, the Elastic Container Service, is an Amazon alternative to Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and HashiCorp Nomad. Amazon aims to make ECS as simple as possible to reduce the complexity of deploying container-based workloads. Under the hood, ECS runs docker on EC2 instances. Primary Use Cases Maximize EC2 compute resource usage Scalable deployment of container workloads Scalable batch processing Less Suitable Use Cases Simple web application or website hosting. Consider Amazon S3 or AWS Amplify instead. Amazon ECS contains these core layers. ...

jq Cookbook: Learn jq

What Will You Learn? What is jq? What are the use cases for jq? How do I parse a remote JSON file with jq? How do I parse a local JSON file with jq? How do I reformat a local JSON file with jq? The Basics The jq command-line JSON parser is a welcome tool in any programmer’s toolbelt. Use jq to parse JSON to simplify collecting essential information from JSON files. ...

Learn 3D Graphics

What Will You Learn? What are 3D graphics? What are the use cases for 3D graphics? What are the basics of 3D graphics? Where can I learn more about 3D graphics? The Basics Learn 3D Graphics fundamentals, then progress to more complex studies. The idea of 3D graphics has been around since 1961 and has significantly evolved. I’ll walk you through the basics of 3D graphics development. Primary Use Cases Video games and movies Planning real-world architecture Interactive software experiences Modeling reality Learning My primary use case is building interactive software experiences. The following content is tailored with that in mind, but will stay abstract enough to help you learn fundamental concepts. ...

Learn systemd

The Basics The systemctl command on most Linux distributions controls the systemd system and service manager. I’m writing this article to explain systemctl and journalctl. I’ve used [the service command, but it has gone out of style. It’s time for an update. Without systems, the systemctl and journalctl commands would not exist. The systemd software suite aims to unify service configuration and behavior across systems. It’s worth noting that people dislike systemd because it enables tight couplings between software packages and systemd. ...

Learn JavaScript

Learn JavaScript: The Basics JavaScript is an interpreted language running in all major browsers and servers through Node.js. JavaScript was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich, with the first version produced in ten days to accommodate a release of Netscape Navigator 2.0. Brendan initially aimed to bring the scheme language to the browser but was tasked by his overlords with creating a language resembling Java’s syntax. Using JavaScript, you can build sophisticated single-page web applications with frameworks like React.js and Angular. It also creates APIs that run on a server. ...

Information Paywalls – Deadly Cut 7

Information paywalls are an unsustainable business practice and a detriment to society. Let’s take Medium, for example. It’s a blogging platform that forces users to pay for content they’ve held hostage. How is this helpful for the average human being? It’s not, but thanks to people that buy into their Ponzi scheme, we are subjected to this bullshit. Medium has convinced people they are necessary middlemen, and your blog will only fly with them. It’s a lie. ...

Missing Context – Deadly Cut 6

Introduction Both writers and programmers have difficulty setting context. Missing context plagues both prose and code. I’m guilty of cutting things short in the name of efficiency. I recently presented Structurizr and PlantUML without specifying the context for my team and dove directly into the code & tools. I should have taken a moment to explain why clear diagrams are essential, but alas, I did not. I’ll do better next time. In the following paragraphs, I’ve laid out my view on Content & Context and will close with some solutions. ...

Big Tech

Big Tech receives a lot of negative press. It’s easy to throw Big Tech under the bus. The tech industry must address severe issues with centralized systems, but overall, it positively impacts society. Let’s think about it. If it weren’t for Big Tech: No remote work Slow food delivery Blockbuster would still overcharge us No instant search results We’d have low-IQ phones On the flip side Overpowered tech companies take advantage of us Shady business behaviors thrive Big Tech creates big problems No doubt there are problems to address, but shitposting on the Internet isn’t helpful. ...