A Wiring the Winning Organization Book Review

Wiring the Winning Organization explores strategies to build high-performing teams and sustainable business practices. The authors offer insights into aligning organizational goals with individual motivation, ensuring resilience in an era of rapid change. This book is both a blueprint and a mirror, reflecting the complexities of human collaboration while providing actionable guidance.

Word Buffer Overflow – Deadly Cut 10

Welcome to the center of our misinformation age. I'm a fan of the English language, but let's tone down the word count, shall we?

AI Has Changed Everything

AI has joined the ranks of the computer, Internet, mobile phone, electricity, and other technologies that have changed the world.

Technical Overconfidence — Deadly Cut 8

Technical overconfidence is toxic. Let's measure our words, raise doubt, and improve products.

What Is Legacy Deprecation?

What Is Legacy Deprecation?

What Is Legacy Deprecation? Let's peer inside a potential software development nightmare and learn why and how to avoid it.

Learning, Earning, and Growing

Learning, Earning, and Growing

Learning, earning, and growing? If you aren't feeling your LEGs, it's time to move! Let's explore professional well-being.

Information Paywalls – Deadly Cut 7

Information paywalls are anti-patterns. Our information must be free to support the collective advancement of the human race.

Missing Context – Deadly Cut 6

Missing context is a pestilence on the Internet. Content is king, but context is the kingdom.

Big Tech

Big Tech is the scary boogeyman these days. However, let's not forget how much Big Tech has given us over the years.

Technology Know-It-Alls – Deadly Cut 5

Technology Know-It-Alls are fun at parties. Have you encountered a technology worker or superuser who rubbed you the wrong way?

A Software Development Philosophy

A software development philosophy guides developers. Review my software development philosophy, then craft your own!

Full Stack Developer VS Specialized Software Developer

Full Stack Developer VS. Specialized Software Developer; which is the right choice? Let's consider each path.

Date Driven Development – Deadly Cut 4

Do software development due dates have you down in the dumps? Is a software deadline on the horizon? There's a better way!

The Blame Game – Deadly Cut 3

Is your software failing? Who's to blame? Who knows? Let's hold software companies accountable and make them responsible!

Software Reliability — Deadly Cut 2

Software reliability is important. Don't turn people that use your software into liars. Let's make your software work for people.

Software Documentation Gaps — Deadly Cut 1

Software documentation gaps are as common as the cold. Left in the cold, we get to deal with a harvest of confusion.

Death by 1000 Cuts

Death by 1000 cuts in the software world. Software, like any tool, can complicate life. Let's take a trip down Broken Software Lane!