Learn Color Theory

What Will You Learn? What is Color Theory? What are the use cases for Color Theory? How do I use Color Theory? What are the fundamentals of Color Theory? Where can I learn more about Color Theory? The Basics Learn Color Theory for fun and profit! Do you like math, art, and the pursuit of balance? If so, follow along as the highlights of Color Theory are revealed. Primary Use Cases Communicate effectively with your audience Super-charge the aesthetics of your design project Add harmony to your creations....

Learn Data Visualization

The Basics Learn Data Visualization for fun and profit! Data is only helpful with a way to visualize it. We’re dealing with an assault on our senses with the sheer amount of data coming our way. In the Information Age, your ability to present compelling data is an asset. Data Visualization is often an art form, but we’ll review standard options. Primary Use Cases Why would you want to visualize data?...