How Do I Use Multiple GitHub Accounts?

How do I use multiple GitHub accounts on the same computer? This approach is a sanity saver when working on various projects from numerous clients. Create a new SSH key on macOS. (Try on other OSes; YMMV) ssh_key_gen() { if [ $# == 0 ]; then echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} [EMAIL] [KEY_NAME]" echo "1. Generate a key" echo "2. Copy the public key to the clipboard" return fi email="$1" key_name="$2" rsa_key_name="id_rsa_${key_name}" rsa_key_path="${HOME}/....

Learn 3D Graphics

What Will You Learn? What are 3D graphics? What are the use cases for 3D graphics? What are the basics of 3D graphics? Where can I learn more about 3D graphics? The Basics Learn 3D Graphics fundamentals, then progress to more complex studies. The idea of 3D graphics has been around since 1961 and has significantly evolved. I’ll walk you through the basics of 3D graphics development. Primary Use Cases Video games and movies Planning real-world architecture Interactive software experiences Modeling reality Learning My primary use case is building interactive software experiences....

A Pragmatic Programmer Book Review

I love this book. As a programmer pounding keys since the 20th century, this book codifies my experiences. It’s like reading daily affirmations that hammer my instinctual best practices home. As I read the book, I find myself consistently nodding and agreeing. Summary The Pragmatic Programmer: 20th Anniversary Edition, 2nd Edition: Your Journey to Mastery is about computer programming and software engineering, written by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas and published in October 1999....

Learn Java

What Will You Learn? What is Java? What are the use cases for Java? How do I install Java? What are the fundamentals of Java? Where can I learn more about Java? The Basics Java has been around for a long time; on May 23, 1995, Java was born. It’s a mature language with a deep library that allows programmers to create anything. Java software runs on Google’s Android, macOS, Windows, Linux, game consoles, and scientific supercomputers....

Salary Negotiation for Programmers

I discovered this question on Quora, so I answered it; this post is an extension of that post for programmers. If an interviewer asks me what I expect as my salary, what should I answer? — Quora Ask for what you need and what fits the market rates for your prospective position. Ask yourself these questions. How much money do I need for retirement savings bills? — Requirements What is the salary range for my role?...