Missing Context – Deadly Cut 6

Hello! This article is part of a Death by 1000 Cuts series that shines a light on glaring software development industry failures. I'm confident you'll return to 1000 articles someday. Introduction Both writers and programmers have difficulty setting context. Missing context plagues both prose and code. I’m guilty of cutting things short in the name of efficiency. I recently presented Structurizr and PlantUML without specifying the context for my team and dove directly into the code & tools....

Big Tech

Big Tech receives a lot of negative press. It’s easy to throw Big Tech under the bus. The tech industry must address severe issues with centralized systems, but overall, it positively impacts society. Let’s think about it. If it weren’t for Big Tech: No remote work Slow food delivery Blockbuster would still overcharge us No instant search results We’d have low-IQ phones On the flip side Overpowered tech companies take advantage of us Shady business behaviors thrive Big Tech creates big problems No doubt there are problems to address, but shitposting on the Internet isn’t helpful....

Technology Know-It-Alls – Deadly Cut 5

Hello! This article is part of a Death by 1000 Cuts series that shines a light on glaring software development industry failures. I'm confident you'll return to 1000 articles someday. Technology Know-It-Alls are unpleasant. Sure, they’re a wealth of information, but they wear us down. Knowing everything is impossible, especially in the software industry. There are many languages & frameworks one could spend their life learning. Languages & frameworks are tools learned based on need....

Dendron And GitJournal

I had a task to check out Roam notes. I finally got around to completing the job, and I’m glad I did. While researching, I ran into Dendron,, similar to Roam. Roam costs money, I don’t need another bill, and I’m dumping Evernote. Roam is double the cost of Evernote, so that’s a non-starter. Dendron is free, and it fills my requirements for note-taking. Free Text-based, to avoid vendor lock-in Hierarchical Note Linking Mobile Editing Storage in Git Dendron Dendron is a Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) tool that can scale to over 20K notes....

Learn SignalFx

What Will You Learn? What is SignalFx? How do I instrument a PostgreSQL database? Where can I learn more about SignalFx? The Basics Learning SignalFx, now called Splunk Application Performance Monitoring, can be overwhelming. There is a multitude of ways to integrate it with your applications. Choice overload can quickly set in; I like to narrow in on a fundamental problem first to simplify learning. I want to monitor a PostgreSQL database so here we go....