How Do I Use sqlite-utils?

How do I use sqlite-utils? It’s time to learn how to manage an SQLite database. I wrote up a tldr PR for sqlite-utils command, and here’s the usage with a person.db. sqlite-utils A command-line tool used to manage SQLite databases. More information: Create a database sqlite-utils create-database person.db Create a table sqlite-utils create-table person.db people id integer name text height float photo blob --pk id Upsert a record echo '[ {"id": 1, "name": "Linus Torvalds"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Steve Wozniak"}, {"id": 3, "name": "Tony Hoare"} ]' | sqlite-utils upsert person....

How Do I Send Emails With Unix and Gmail?

How do I send emails with Unix and Gmail? Why? If your Unix-based operating system fails, you’ll never know if you don’t forward system emails. When your system is acting up, it will generate emails. However, a Unix system doesn’t send emails by default because spammers hate everyone. How? Install mailx (use a package manager) Edit your mail.rc vi /etc/mail.rc Paste it at the bottom of your mail.rc. set smtp=smtps:// set smtp-auth=login set smtp-auth-user=USERNAME@gmail....

How Do I Use Replit?

How do I use replit? It depends. I have a few use cases, but the use cases are numerous. If you need to know what replit is, read this next section. What Is Replit? Replit is a web-based integrated development environment (IDE). In contrast to Replit, you could learn GitHub and use Visual Studio Code in a browser. Use Cases? Embed code on your website. Quick and easy code learning. Teaching Hosting Pair Programming How Do I Use Replit?...

How Do I Use Google?

How do I use Google? Strap in, and let’s learn some google-fu. 🤺 Double Quotes Wrap your keywords in double quotes like this. "google fu" Try it out:“google+fu” Google will only return pages with “google-fu” in the content. Exclude Keyword Building on the previous example. "google fu" -medium I’m not fond of Medium, so I’ll keep that out of my results. Try it out:“google+fu”+-medium Search One Site I bet Urban Dictionary has something to say about google-fu....

How Do I Use Multiple GitHub Accounts?

How do I use multiple GitHub accounts on the same computer? This approach is a sanity saver when working on various projects from numerous clients. Create a new SSH key on macOS. (Try on other OSes; YMMV) ssh_key_gen() { if [ $# == 0 ]; then echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} [EMAIL] [KEY_NAME]" echo "1. Generate a key" echo "2. Copy the public key to the clipboard" return fi email="$1" key_name="$2" rsa_key_name="id_rsa_${key_name}" rsa_key_path="${HOME}/....